Comparing Frentz And Rushing's The Matrix

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The characters of The Matrix represent multiple stages in humankind’s relationship with technology. At the beginning of the film, Thomas Anderson, later known as Neo, is an avid user of technology; though he is beginning to grow suspicious that there is more than meets the eye. Cypher has come full circle with technology and willingly betrays his friends for the opportunity to enjoy his virtual life inside the Matrix. Agent Smith, an artificial intelligence program in the Matrix, personifies technology. He is programmed to keep order within the system by terminating humans who bring instability to the simulated reality, as well as any rogues that no longer serve the Machine’s purpose. Morpheus, Trinity and Neo are willing to give their lives to bring down the Machine, which will allow humans to live their lives in real existence rather than a virtual reality. In this text, technology has become not only independent from humanity; it has made humanity subservient to its own needs. Frentz and Rushing developed a mythic perspective using a synthesis…show more content…
14 Once again, our text is fertile proving ground for Jung’s theory and their conclusions. At the end of the film, through the destruction of Agent Smith and then an open challenge to the remnants of the Machine, Neo ushers in hope, “something better” to follow “something worse”. The only way hope became possible, was for Neo to recognize the “something worse” for what it really was, and then integrate it into his consciousness. In the final scene, as Neo begins his challenge to the remnants of the Machine, he says: “I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of

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