Comparing Duccio And Giotto's The Arrest Of Christ

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Two religious paintings that depicted the apprehension of Christ were Duccio’s, The Arrest of Christ, and Giotto’s, The Arrest of Christ. Both of these paintings tell the story of how the police force of Sanhedrin was attempting to arrest Christ. In this emotional scene, Judas confronts Jesus and attempts to kiss him. This causes a fiery backlash within the scene between the two parties. While both of these paintings show the same scene, they are presented in very different ways. The two depictions of The Arrest of Christ by Duccio and Giotto are very similar but also differ in spatial composition, characterization, and the size and location of the paintings. These two paintings are very similar because they do, in fact, represent the same biblical scene. The scene is showing the attempted arrest of Christ and the emotional backlash associated with it. The…show more content…
Duccio and Giotto both created their image with their own ideas and compositions in mind. This goes to show how much influence artists have on history because they are the ones depicting it visually. Duccio decided to depict more of the chaos and emotion of the scene, while Giotto decided to capture the embrace at its peak to emphasize its superior importance. The similarities are obvious in the paintings because they are depicting the same biblical scene. The differences change the overall effect of both paintings. The main differences are spatial composition, characterization and size and location of the paintings. Though some of these differences may seem very minor, they play a huge part in explaining what Duccio and Giotto were thinking at the time and how they wanted this scene to be seen. Overall, the similarities and differences between Duccio’s, The Arrest of Christ, and Giotto’s, The Arrest of Christ, both effect the overall perception of the painting, the scene itself, and the Christian

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