Comparing Brave New World 'And The Giver'

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Ghanaian diplomat Kafi Annan wrote, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family”. This quote perfectly portrays the view that modern society has on ‘knowledge’. Knowledge is power: if one has knowledge, he can use it to rise above the rest of society. Information is liberating: with knowledge, one can become immersed in a wide array of information from any place and any time, giving himself a better understanding of the world around him and his place in it. Education is the premise of progress: by raising the people of a society to a higher standard, the society itself will rise as well. The yearn for knowledge is deeply ingrained within our culture. This can be understood by looking at the number of museums, the number of people pursuing higher levels of education, and by the mass of information available to the public. We are living in the age of information where knowledge is available for the majority of society. But what if that had not been the case? What if society had the opposite view? Authors Aldous Huxley and Lois Lowry explore this idea in their respective novels Brave New World and The Giver. Aldous Huxley writes about a future in which…show more content…
The society is entirely flat and one-dimensional; it is bland. Though it doesn’t have the rigid uniformity as George Orwell’s novel 1984, conformity is still rooted in their ways. The life of every person is planned out. They are given different conditions while still in test tubes to place them in a certain class or give them a certain lifespan. From there they are so strictly conditioned that the hypnopaedic phrases stay with them for life. This gives them a total acceptance of every aspect of society. This leaves them with no room for individuality. It reduces society down to a mechanical process and demolishes creativity and

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