Comparing Andre Williams And Peter Parker's Life

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Andre Williams and Peter Parker both are students who dealt with hardship through the course of their lives, that left a lingering affects on their psyche. What's so compelling is how their path seems to cross each other in some aspects, and in other characteristics they are strangers. Peter's path derails on one faithful day, while Andre is still outlining all prospects of his life. Let's dive into both Andre's and Peter's subconscious to learn why some of their choices cause their path to cross and others to deviate. Peter Parker only knew his parents briefly before their suspicious untimely death; while Andre's parents are very active in his life since childhood and some parts of his adulthood. This aspect cause Peter and Andre lives to be vastly different. Peter was always haunted by this absents of his parents, he never had closure to their strange demise. For Andre, it's rough just thinking about a life without his parents. Peter Parker never had the luxury of asking his father for his advice on school, girls, or life in general. Andre's father present and…show more content…
With such astonishing abilities; Peter Parker was able to capitalize off his powers by becoming a famous. Andre on the other hand; started maintaining a new view of himself, because of this fact nobody could tell him anything. Peter and Andre began show a strong arrogance and pride that clouded their judgment; because of this both Peter and Andre weren't on speaking term with their male role model in their lives. Peter allowed a thief to escape from the Television station; who later kills his Uncle Ben in a car jacking. Andre lets trivial matters and pride keep him from speaking to his father; the following day Andre's father suffered a heart attack on his way home from work. Andre and Peter are letting these tragic events form them into better men; having said that the guilt of the lost idols weights heavy on their

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