Compare And Contrast Zeus Poseidon And Hades

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Long ago, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were apart of the Twelve Great Olympians who took down the great Titans. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were the most powerful gods of all time. The Thunderbolt is Zeus’s divine weapon that when wielded, he was more powerful than all of the other divinities combined. The Trident was a three-pronged spear that Poseidon used to shake and destroy whatever he pleased to. The Cap of Invisibility was a helmet Hades possessed that would make whoever wore it invisible. In this analysis you will learn what made the Big Three so powerful. Zeus became the supreme ruler and the most powerful of all of the Gods. In Mythology it says, “His power was greater than that of all the other divinities combined.” Zeus wielded the Thunderbolt that he used to strike down anyone that ever got in any of the Gods’ way. He was also Lord of the Sky, he could have the entire Earth and Sea hang in the air if he had the desire to. Zeus led the Gods to the defeat of the Titans, he defeated Cronus the most powerful leader of the Titans. Obviously, Zeus was the supreme ruler and the most powerful of all the gods.…show more content…
In Mythology it says “He was commonly called Earth Shaker.” They called him “Earth Shaker” because he could shake and shatter whatever he pleased with his Trident. Any foe that would come across the sea would be quickly distinguished by Poseidon. Poseidon could control storm or calm waters. Truly, Poseidon was Lord of the Sea and another powerful

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