Compare And Contrast The Election Of 2000 Apush Dbq

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Dating back to the early nineteenth century, various political platforms have been pitted against each other inside government walls. Despite their changing motives throughout the decades, the Democrats and Republicans have had notably opposite goals and views. Nothing was different during the controversial elections of 1824 and 1876. All underneath the Democratic-Republican platform, the four candidates in the 1824 election failed to receive the majority electoral college votes. Similarly, Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden failed to receive majority votes, disputing over three state’s voting numbers. Furthermore, around the time of each election, there were various debates and conclusions made regarding America’s allowing of specific demographics to vote, black and white. Through controversy and bills, the elections of 1824 and 1876 gave America two different…show more content…
Adams, Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson. At the end of the election, Andrew Jackson won the greatest number of popular votes, but with the votes split four ways, no one man had a majority of electoral votes. Thus, it was now in the hands of the House of Representatives to decide who would win upon the equally tied candidates. Being in the position of speaker of the House, Henry Clay, whom was adamantly opposed to Jackson throughout the race, used his influence to make John Quincy Adams president. Following, Adams then appointed Clay as his secretary of state after Clay paid his dues, allowing for Jackson to believe this was a corrupt bargain. In the following election, Jackson was unhesitant to run again, however there was now a two party split, with those supporting Jackson being the Democrats and those supporting Henry Clay, the National Republicans. Using Henry Clay’s credible public speaking skills and personal attacks, the election of 1824 was showcased solely by the corrupt

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