Compare And Contrast South Korean And Modern American Culture

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Many people in my culture do not realize how other cultures celebrate their young people's transition into adulthood and how they are very similar but very different to our own traditions and celebrations. While South Korean and Modern American coming of age is a government requirement, South Korea holds a ceremony to teach and draw the attention from the society to the newly found adults, while Americans just gain their privileges on their birthday. Age, date of ceremony, gifts given, what the ceremony is about, clothing that is worn, the feelings of the participants, and the honorable guests present are some ways that South Korean culture differs from Modern American Culture. Something such as , in South Korea once you turn a certain age you can do everything you couldn’t do before, in Modern American culture you get your privileges spread out over a couple of different ages. In Korea adulthood begins at age 20. When you turn 20 you can drive, marry, vote, drink alcohol and smoke(Knight). Right after the ceremony ends, all participants of the ceremony are considered adults. So after they go through the coming of age ceremony at age 20, they can do all the things you weren’t able to do as an adolescent. As an American regardless of what culture you are, you…show more content…
To mark a child's passage into adulthood, the young men had their hair coiffed into a topknot and wore a cylindrical hat woven from horsehair known as a "gat." Meanwhile, the young women put up their hair in a bun, fastened with a "binyeo," an ornamental hairpin, and put on a "jokduri," a ceremonial cap (Tong). This dressing part of the ceremony is what sets the ceremony apart for each gender, one gender wears a dress and a ceremonial cap while the other wears their hair in a top knot and wear a cylindrical hat ontop of their

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