Compare And Contrast Salvador Dali And The Face Of War

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Art is a form of expression that cannot only show the mindset of the artist, but the feelings and emotions that they are afraid to let out. Literature can do the same for writers as they have ideas they are hesitant to share with others. In many ways, Salvador Dali is much like Edgar Allan Poe. Art and Literature go hand and hand just as Dali’s work goes with Poe’s. “The Face of War” was a painting done by Dali to represent his views of war, however, it does so much more. It is more than art, it is a clear representation of literature, and it has the deep, dark views like Salvador Dali. Dali’s “The Face of War” has twisted views alike to those of Edgar Allan Poe that are found in one of his most famous works, “The Tell-Tale Heart”. “The Face of War” is a dark and twisted painting done by Dali that…show more content…
The skull is being threatened and overshadowed by the serpents and causing the man to feel great terror and distress. This is similar to the various pieces of the old man’s body under the floorboards that are encompassing his mind and amplifying the narrator’s guilt and anger. “Villains!’ I shrieked, ‘dissemble no more! I admit the deed! --tear up the planks! Here, here! –-It is the beating of his hideous heart” (Poe 3). All of his guilt had built up inside of him so much that eventually it became too much and he had to let out the truth about his wrongdoing. The same is occurring in the painting as the skull seems to have been keeping away the serpents until he finally gave up and let them encompass his body. The face in the painting seems to have done something wrong like the narrator of the story and the serpents are attempting to make him pay for his actions just as the dead body under the floorboard is doing to the narrator. These serpents caused the man in the painting to suffer and that can be seen in his facial features that are alike to those of the

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