Compare And Contrast Fire And Ice And The Road Not Taken

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"Fire and Ice." and "The Road Not Taken." both by Robert Frost are similar in the way that they are both given two options. They made choices but the way they made these choices are different; one was made from experience the other was made from observations. The diction that the writer uses throughout both poems paints a night and day picture when one is compared with the other. "The Road Not Taken." is about a road that goes through the woods and on this road there is a fork in it. He looks down both and he can see equally as far on both. The first choice he saw to where the road bent in the undergrowth. The second was grassy green and was less worn. That day neither road had been travelled and he choose the one less travelled. He knew when…show more content…
In, “Fire and Ice.”, he specifically second guess himself when he says, “But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate, To say that for destruction ice, Is also great, And would suffice.” (Frost ln. 5-9). His origin choice to end the world was fire because of the desire he has felt but if he had a chance to choose again he would choose ice because of the hate he knows of. And in the, “The Road Not Taken.” He only leads the reader to believe that he is thinking that he should have possibly made the other choice. “I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—,” (Frost ln. 15-18) He does this by never specifically saying that he should have went down the other road, but you can believe that he second guess his choice when he says that I will be telling this with a sigh. A sigh is a form of sorrow and by telling this story with a sigh for ages and age means that possibly feels bad about the decision he has made. At the end of line 18 he pause after saying I and one could infer that he pauses because he is thinking about his decision he has

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