Compare And Contrast Deontology And Snowden

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In order to be able to characterize morally the whole event that concerns Edward Snowden and the NSA Global spying apparatus, we need to examine closely the ethical theories of consequentialism and deontology. These philosophical terms conflict with each other, something that we will be able to observe in this particular essay, since both theories offer different interpretations on what is considered moral and different suggestions on how to characterize Snowden’s case, as far as morality is concerned. Nevertheless there are occasions where deontology and consequentialism are not necessarily mutual exclusive, a good example being the case of the human rights which is a deontologist concept which is characterized by its consequences of having these rights. (Scheffler, Samuel, 1988)However, we…show more content…
To be able to see this in incident from a consequentialist’s point of view, we must be able to define what consequentialism is. According to consequentialism, whether one’s actions are considered right or wrong solely depends of the consequences of said actions, rather than the actions themselves. With that in mind, a morally right act is one that will produce a positive outcome. It could be debated that the saying “The ends justify the means” is an extreme form of consequentialist morality. (Mizzoni, John 2010 :104.)It is necessary however to state that consequentialism is more about choosing the action that will have the best outcome for everyone concerned.(Benn,1998 :60)Still, what we define as a good consequence is a matter of debate that can lead to controversial and not necessarily impartial answers. The Utilitarians consider pleasure and happiness to be the positive outcome and pain the negative. Therefore acts that will result in maximum happiness or pleasure and minimum pain are considered morally right. There is nonetheless a

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