Communist Manifesto And Frankenstein Analysis

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During times of change, there are voices that shine through any madness and provide direction and critical analysis of any transition. One such time of change that provided a great amount of madness and confusion was the Age of Revolutions in Europe. This time period lasted from 1750 to 1850 and was felt all over Europe by all classes of people in both cities and small towns. Two voices of this time who left a great impact with their thoughts were Mary Shelley and Karl Marx. While different in concept and content both Shelley’s Frankenstein and Marx’s The Communist Manifesto are valuable illustrators of the changes of the time period and how it effected the people and ideas it encompassed. Two great evolutions of the Age of Revolutions…show more content…
Revolutionaries in France started by naming their children after agricultural names instead of the names of saints in the bible. In addition, revolutionaries began to use a different calendar based on natural events instead of named after religious events. These two actions, while small, helped to remove the church from everyday life. The next step was to take the property in the form of land and wealth that belonged to the church and distribute it back to the common people. This action further lessens the churches influence on people and opens the door to the creation of a modern secular age. Shortly after the power shift away from the church toward the common people began a new age of science and technology. People were no longer censored by the church and as a result ideas were able to flow and radical thoughts could be discussed without fear of repression. Due to this, new inventions and innovations began spurring up to make life easier for people living during the time. However, instead of just changing menial tasks, technology and science completely changed how people viewed the world and how they felt about their life. Just nobody in power could have foreseen the impact that these revolutions would have on the region, so too could nobody predict the power and influence technology would have in the early…show more content…
Even though Shelley was not citing real and possible technology in her writing (i.e, bringing inanimate flesh to life) she uses it as a great vehicle to get her point across and show her feelings about the technological advances of the time. While certain advances are beneficial and show a desire to move away from the rigidness of the church, it is also important not to apply yourself too severely to any one task as Frankenstein did. His statement that “the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections,”*2 very clearly describes Frankenstein’s shortcomings in the novel and why Shelley would prefer the study of science to not overpower one’s life and make them lose their sense of purpose. There are other, more romantic methods, to ensure human progress that exist during this time, and Shelley would like those methods to be coupled with science as humanity moves into new generation of discovery and change. To use only science as a method of alteration and ignore other possibilities could result in disastrous results just as they did for poor Victor

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