Common Men Stereotypes

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It is quite substantial how mental health concerns can relate to and derive from gender stereotypes. Common Women Stereotypes: Homemakers (doing chores -- laundry, cooking) Weak, Bubbly (cannot protect themselves) Common Men Stereotypes: More political and economic power than women Independent, Strong, Aggressive (exaggerated) The stereotypes listed illustrate that a subordinate position is labelled on women whereas men have many high expectations to fulfil. These stereotypes have the ability to grow into greater consequences and can lead to issues concerning self-identity, abuse and violence with oneself or others, and the development of mental illnesses. There seems to be limited pathways for females when they are deciding which roles to pursue when they grow up: are women prone to a lifestyle that they will not be satisfied with? They are typically faced with two choices: Women can seek a career path…show more content…
There is an ideology that disregards women as beings and basically as objects that serve men. There are many examples demonstrated in domestic violence and rape which can be turned around to blame and shame the victim rather than the perpetrator (United Nations, 2014). On a regular basis, males are bombarded with commands such as "Act like a man.", "Don't cry." and more. These words pressure them into behaving dominantly, physically and emotionless. This fact explains that the prejudgement and shutting down of their behaviours result in isolation within their own minds. Also, these stereotypes demonstrate our failure to recognize depression in men. This idea of them being strong characters deceives us and although women face depression twice more likely than men, there is less acknowledgement made (Gardner, 2012). As a society, it is ridiculous to quickly label those facing mental illnesses as "crazy" and publicly define them by an illness that society has possibly contributed
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