College Admissions Essay: Happiness Is What Truly Matters

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Happiness is What Truly Matters My whole life I was raised Catholic. Both of my parents are Catholic and everyone in both of their families is Catholic. Whenever I was only a few months old they had me baptized in the Catholic Church and began bringing me to mass every Sunday. As a child, I went to vacation bible school every summer and when I was in 1st grade I began attending CCD classes so that I would be able to make my Confirmation whenever I became a sophomore in high school. I never really understood the Catholic Church I attended. I have nothing against Catholicism, I just never believed that it was for me. The only reason I ever went to mass or CCD was because it made my parents happy, but that all changed in January of my sophomore year after realizing that my happiness is what truly matters. One of my close friends, Sunni, invited me to a…show more content…
Eventually, I realized that there was no way to “beat around the bush.” I would simply just have to come out and say it, and that is what I did. In the beginning, my mom had a hard time with it because she wanted me to make my Confirmation in the Catholic Church, but after a while she accepted it. I began attending FOUR12 every Wednesday and learned the true meaning of being a follower of Christ. After a couple of months of, I decided that I wanted to start going to the Sunday services at Praise as well. I noticed that I became a happier and more positive person because of the new Jesus loving friends that I had made. The summer of 2014 I attended Student Life Camp with some of the students in FOUR12 and after that camp I decided that I wanted to get baptized at Praise. So, on August 24, 2014 I got baptized to publicly show that I am a follower of Christ. Once my parents became used to the idea that I was no longer Catholic, I became even

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