Classroom Reflection Essay

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Partially connected to the previous learning moment, the teacher’s role and attitude are basic when it comes to creating a safe environment and making the students engage with the lesson. During all the observations I noticed the most important aspects of the teacher’s attitude and actions which contributed to make the students feel safer. Firstly, the teachers need to show the students that they have a clear knowledge and certainty of where the lesson is going and which the aims are. They also need to show adaptability and make the students aware that they will adjust to their specific needs. By doing this the students will feel they are in a situation that is under control, and they will trust the teacher more. It is also important to pay…show more content…
• The students are partially responsible for the classroom atmosphere, but the teacher should help by controlling the class arrangement, changing the usual partners, and introducing warming or group-engaging activities. • The teacher should know where the lesson is heading, make sure the students are following the content, genuinely connect with the students, and learn the students’ names, backgrounds and possible difficulties. • The activities should be planned with scaffolding in mind, giving students plenty of time for interaction and target language production, introducing activating aspects like movement or competition, and varying the kinds of groups. After reflecting on all the aspects I observed, I think I have a better idea of what a good teacher, lesson plan and classroom atmosphere should be like. One of the most important points I would like to make is that the teacher should be able to adapt to the group of students, since not all of them will have the same needs. These observations have provided a remarkable opportunity to reflect on the main aspects that a teacher should be aware of, and, especially, to realise that as teachers we should continuously be learning, improving and looking at ourselves from a different perspective to try to make our teaching the best it can be. It is not an easy task, but it is something I would like to work on in the
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