Clash Of The Titans As Depicted In Homer's Odyssey '

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Clash of the Titans differences The king tried to over throw the gods, but Zeus had an affair with his wife you later on had there child Perseus So the king tried to kill his wife and son Perseus although he didn’t successes because only his wife died and not his son. That was from the beginning of the movie; in the book the king tried to avoid his destiny by imprisoning his daughter in whom Zeus came down and impregnated her with Perseus then the king over threw his daughter and her son to keep his destiny. Warriors of Aros destroyed a statue of Zeus, which led onto anger by the gods for disrespecting them this led onto Hades coming down destroying the warriors who were taking down Zeus statue off him. During the attack of Hades he saw a boat that had Perseus and his family in which Hades destroyed and Perseus was the only one who lived. In the book a fisherman named Dictys saved Danae and Perseus and they lived happily without dying. Danae and Dictys later on married. After a little while bad things come upon them.…show more content…
Perseus didn’t let that happen, he offered a deal that if he retrieves Medusas head that the king would not take Danae from Dictys. The deal was made and Perseus was off to find the evil gorgon. In the movie Perseus was found after the boat wreck and was taken to the city of Argos where they distributed him. Turned out during a ceremony Hades comes down to cause worries for the city that he will open up the “crack” which will unleash all evil on there city. So Perseus offered to help the warriors to find the way to defeat the

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