Clarence's Case Analysis

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The account this week is from a man named Clarence, a current inmate at a correctional facility in New York, during his mini-autobiography he illustrates how he came involved in crime and the subsequent consequences that followed. According to Clarence his beginning were rather innocent in comparison to how the public views the histories of people in the criminal justice system, youngest of five brothers he states that he was always ambitious even from an early age “as long as I can remember, I strove to be above average and make my mark as a positive individual” (Goode, 2015), he spent a majority of his childhood hanging around with his teams and ‘crews’ and at one time becoming a member of the ‘Nation of Gods and Earths’ which motivated him to study the world, become more independent, and family-oriented.…show more content…
It wasn’t until he was in his 20’s that he started committing major crimes one of which was sticking up a candy store in Queens, which earned him $17,500 in cash after splitting the total amount, eventually he was convicted on first degree burglary change that sentenced him to eight years in a federal prison, Clarence would himself back to prison at least two more time; once for apparently violating curfew and selling weed with another being the sale of a controlled substance. One aspect that Clarence emphasized is the difficulty of living a normal conventional life not only as an ex-convict but a black ex-convict, after being denied twice for a hack license for a taxi company he sent in one of his puzzles to the magazine The Taxi Insider, although they accepted the puzzle the magazine did not offer Clarence a position at the magazine or ask him to send in another one “I figured I didn’t have the complexion for the connection. If I had been a Caucasian, I would have had a lot more chances in

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