Christianity Among The Igbo People Essay

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Christianity among the Igbo people Christianity is a religion that is exceedingly popular among most of the Igbo people. The Christian faith is an exceptionally essential aspect in many Igbo peoples’ lives’. This faith may be well known among the Igbo people, but for many others that is not always the case. The Igbo people are well connected with their faith and find it eminently important in keeping in touch with God, but some choose to make a decision to abide by “false gods”; however, as numerous years have went by, much has progressed and the Christian religion among the Igbo people has altered in considerably large ways. The Christian religion and relationship with God is immensely important to the Igbo’s in their everyday life. The Christian religion is undoubtedly indispensable because it not only helps the Igbo people…show more content…
In an interview between Jeffrey Brown (PBS Reporter) and Chinua Achebe (Author), Achebe describes how many of the Igbo people have grown and acquired more intelligence when it comes to choosing a God. Even though Chinua Achebe’s own parents were recent converts of Christianity, they knew better than to fall into to the hands of a deceiving god (Achebe). Before, the Igbo’s would use to worship and bow down to various objects, known as their “gods”, but now numerous Igbo’s choose to put the one and only God first (Achebe). In the interview, Achebe would also go on to explicate how the Igbo religion was “simply dismissed as the worship of stones” (Achebe n.pag.). Formerly, multitudes of Igbo people used to exalt false idols and that is how most civilians in today’s society perceived them. Ultimately, as time progressed, many Igbo’s have attained the proficiency in knowing that these so called “idols” don’t perform any significant

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