Choices In King Lear

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Life is full of choices. Each person expects life to be a certain way, but one choice can lead onto an entirely different path. A path that was never intended to be travelled on, one that turns out to be the opposite of an ideal life. This is true for our protagonists in King Lear by Shakespeare, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, and Lives of the Saints by Nino Ricci. These characters struggle in life due to the choices their loved ones have made, along with the choices they have made themselves. Expectations usually result in disappointment. Lear from King Lear expects his ideal life after retirement to be more pleasant, “‘tis our intent/ To shake all cares and business from our age, /conferring them on younger strengths while we…show more content…
In The Glass Menagerie, Tom has a lack of respect for Amanda because he resents that he is unable to pursue his dreams due to his sense of duty to his family. Tom feels chained to the household with no sense of privacy or belonging, “ Look! - I’ve got no thing, no single thing-(..) – in my life here that I can call my OWN! Everything is- (..) Yesterday you confiscated my books. You had the nerve to-” (Williams 20) Amanda is aware of how Tom feels about her: “My devotion has made me a witch and so I make myself hateful to my children.” (Williams 30) Amanda sees traces of her husband in Tom and her choice to prevent Tom from taking after his father’s ways creates a strain in their relationship. In Lives of the Saints, Vittorio watches Cristina’s and her father’s relationship diminish over time. In the beginning, Cristina and her father have a normal daughter and father relationship where they genuinely love and care for one another. However, their relationship slowly starts to deteriorate when news of Cristina’s pregnancy is known in Valle de Sole. Cristina’s father is embarrassed and ashamed because Cristina’s actions have caused the town to treat him differently, "Was it for my sake you behaved like a common whore? (...) I've suffered everyday of my life, per l'amore di Cristo, but I've never had to walk through this town…show more content…
In King Lear, Lear ultimately goes mad due to his choices. Lear comes to the realization that the thought of still maintaining power over his kingdom after giving it all away is a foolish expectation. The daughters, he truly believed, would stand by him and obey him, essentially disregard Lear in all respects. Lear becomes extremely confused by this unexpected behaviour and is angered by this. The idea that his daughters, who he thought loved him dearly, chose to act scornfully towards him is hard for Lear to comprehend. Lear feels rejected which leads him to a path to madness. Lear also realizes that he made a mistake in banishing his youngest daughter Cordelia. When Cordelia dies, Lear is devastated and overcome with grief to be confronted with the loss of his one loyal child. His madness is more prominent, “He knows not what he says; and vain is it/ That we present us to him.” (Shakespeare v.iii.351-352) Lear dies regretting his choices. In The Glass Menagerie, Tom is desperate to leave his family in pursue of his ideal life. Tom often chooses to go to the movies where he is able to find momentarily escape from his mundane life, “I go to the movies because- I like adventure. Adventure is something I don’t have much of at work, so I go to the movies.” (Williams 33) Tom eventually chooses to leave his mother and sister like his father had done many years ago, “I descended the steps of this fire escape for the last

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