Chilli Bowl Research Paper

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Chilli Bowl Chilli bowl is a homecoming football game during which two rival schools get together for competition a normal american high school thing to do for most.For fox tech ,which is where my aunt went to school,they have a spirit week leading up to this game.There is competition between classes and much class pride to go around.During spirit week they sometimes had class fundraisers that families could go to as well as friendly competitions with a pep rally to follow the day of the game.Since the pep rallies were open to the public me and my family always went to support my aunt and uncle. I enjoyed watching the colorful performers, talented people and exciting speakers. As a kid I probably made it bigger than it actually was but I loved it.…show more content…
The dressing up was fun but I mostly loved going for the general excitement of the whole thing. When we got there all you saw was huge lines and red shirts everywhere you turn. Some people would even paint their face at the time they reminded me of clowns. So I would hide behind my mother to get away from them.Our family had specific seating or just a place no one else would sit because we had been at games for years. Our seats were at the top of the bleachers closest to the band and pep squad.I really liked being able to see all of the different components of a football game. Cheer squad at the bottom on the field, ROTC marching onto the field holding flags and rifles playing snare drum football teams on either end and band and pep squad standing on the

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