Childcare Philosophy Statement

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Part B: Analyze a Philosophy Statement A childcare Centre’s philosophy statement is a brief and concise representation of the values and beliefs that guide the Centre’s daily practice and programming. Factors, which influence the development of a philosophy statement, include ideas about how children learn and develop, the needs of children, the role of family and culture, and how quality care is defined (Standards for Early Childhood Programs in Centre-Based Child Care , 2004, p. 14). These beliefs should reflect those of the stakeholders as well as those based on current research. Using the statement of philosophy for the “Little Peoples Workshop” childcare centres, I will discuss both its weaknesses and strengths. My critique will be based…show more content…
The philosophy lays out in plain language where the centre stands on the learning and development of children, the role of the early childhood educator, families, and even children in this process. From my own experience of working in the field the philosophy of an emergent curriculum can sometimes be misunderstood. The philosophy statement clearly defines the term as allowing the child to “set their own goals and choice of experience,” then goes on to highlight how this type of curriculum benefits learning and development of the child. This philosophy statement also provides clear values that are promoted at the centre such as family, community, togetherness, and independence. An important point stressed in the Standards for Early Childhood Programs in Centre-Based Child Care is that a philosophy statement promotes developmentally appropriate practice (DAP). Based on the listed values within the Standards for Early Childhood Programs in Centre-Based Child Car, 2004 it would appear that the Little Peoples Workshops Philosophy Statement does mention each of the DAP values (p.…show more content…
13-14). Therefore, it is important that the statement be clear, concise, and highlights the values important to the centre and its stakeholders. The Little People’s Workshop was able to include all the recommended Developmentally Appropriate practices into it’s statement, however it lacked a greater emphasis on the areas of family, community, inclusion, and culture. This left me with an impression that a greater emphasis was placed on the child’s development at the centre and not within the family and greater

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