Characteristics Of Web Data Mining

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The World Wide Web has impacted on every aspect of our lives. It is the most widely known information source that is easily accessible and searchable of interconnected documents called Web pages which are authored by millions of people through Internet. The rapid growth of the Web makes it the largest publicly accessible data source in the world and has many unique characteristics that makes mining useful information. Some of these characteristics are as follows:-  The amount of data present on the Web is huge and still increasing. Data of all types exist on the Web, e.g., multimedia files (images, audios, and videos), semi structured Web pages, unstructured texts and structured tables.  Information present…show more content…
 The Web provides services. Commercial Web sites allow people to perform useful operations at their sites.  The Web is dynamic.  The Web is a virtual society. All the above characteristics represents both challenging tasks and opportunities for mining and discovery of information and knowledge from the Web. To explore data mining on the Web, it is necessary to know data mining because techniques of data mining are extensively used in Web data mining. However, Web data mining is not entirely an application of data mining. Due to the diversity of information and characteristics discussed above, Web data mining has developed many of its own algorithms called as knowledge discovery in databases. It is a process of discovering useful patterns or knowledge from data sources, The patterns generated by the process must be valid, potentially useful, and understandable. A data mining application usually starts with an understanding of the application domain created by data miners, who then identify suitable data sources and the target data. With the help of data provided, data mining is performed, which is carried out in following main steps:  Pre-processing: The raw data is directly not suitable for mining due…show more content…
Eg., from the links created, we can discover important web pages, which is a key technology used in search engines.  Web content mining: Web content mining mines useful information from web page contents. For example, we can automatically classify web pages according to their topics. However, we can also discover patterns in web pages to mine useful data. Furthermore, we can also mine customer reviews and forum postings to discover consumer sentiments.  Web usage mining: It refers to the discovery of access patterns by the user. Such as, in web usage logs, record is maintained of total number of clicks made by each user. Web usage mining applies many data mining algorithms. One of the issue is the pre-processing of click data in usage logs in order to produce the right data for mining. The Web mining process and data mining process are similar. The difference is in the collection of data. In data mining, the data collected and is stored in a specific data warehouse. For Web
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