Characteristics Of Human Resource Management

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Title:Poor quality of human resource management in the company of Roison in Uzbekistan. INTRODUCTION This project is about Human Resource Management in thecompany of Roison, which fails over the years because of poor recourse of human management and poor quality of production. Human Resource Management is a managing effectivelyemployee in company. HRM works with employment problems by the law and with the directives of organization. HRM involves many departments in the company like staff hiring, setup performance of management, reentering of staff and change management. Anotherdefinition of HRM involves managing people in widely prospective way, which managing people in good relation between the management of company and their employees. Therefore…show more content…
What kind of characteristics leader must have for successful leadership? Many people think about these question and they think that not every person may have with this qualities. Locke and Kilpatric (1991) demonstrate some potential such as honesty, integrity, emotionally flexible, self-motivation and other knowledge of business ect. On the other hand, Human resource Management is open to everyone, which have worked by many researchers. There are five emotional components in HRM were described by (Goleman1998): self-regulation, self-awareness, sympathy and Social skills. Goleman illustrate a bit different rather than previous (Kipatrick’s). Goleman involve how to be effective leader than how can be a person leader (to know is it effective or not). He find out and achieved that those five components of emotional that can be learn as well as it is adopted easily to be successful leader in…show more content…
The theory of inner work life were developed by Steven Kramer (2007) and Teresa Amabile assumes our work performance and behavior are impacted in that way that our motives ,perceptions and emotions communicate with each other by the events that we meet in dailylife. The senior manager of the company Roison believe that those aspects can improve employees’ performance and work effectively and efficiently. Our feelings and thoughts cannot be visible to others, mostly managers. However, if we go to work, we don’t leave them at our home. Kramer and Amabile to find out how can effect the performance of our dynamics “ inner work life” they asked 238 professionals from twenty-six team project in order to accomplish personal program, in format of standard during the project
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