Character Analysis Of Scout And Miss Caroline In To Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee

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Scout and Miss Caroline both learn a lesson. Miss Caroline learned not to judge a student on their appearance. She called Burris out for not bathing and having lice, but she did not know the whole situation. She did not know that Burris did not have a mother, or that his father did not work, and the only money they had was spent on his fathers whiskey. “they come first day every year and then leave. The truant lady gets ‘m here ‘cause she threatens ‘em with the sheriff, but she’s gives tryin’ to hold ‘em. She reckons she’s carried out the law, just getting’ their names on the roll and runnin’ ‘em here on the first day. You’re supposed to mark ‘em absent the rest of the year” (Lee36). Another way Scout learned about being in another person’s

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