Cause Of Environmental Degradation

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Environmental Security Degradation as a Cause of Conflict Environmental Degradation Consequences: A Threat to Environmental Security The Role of Environmental Degradation in Environmental Security The Landscape of Environmental Changes as a Causes of Conflict in Environmental Security Abstract: The environment is the universally support system on which all other human enterprises depend. If political, economic systems, social, cultural are to remain secure and safe, the environment must also stay secure and safe. Globally the greatest effects on the health of populations consequence of environmental degradation. This paper describes the national and universal causes of environmental degradations. Causes include overpopulation,…show more content…
Tree leaves and branches not only intercept and diminish raindrop and wind energy, but leaves and branches also cover the soil under the trees to further protect the soil. However, the situation changes dramatically when forests are cleared for cropland or pastures are developed for livestock production and the soil is exposed to rain and wind energy [55,72]. Deforestation-defined as the conversion of forested land to other uses, or a permanent reduction of canopy cover has attracted increasing international attention in recent years(FAO,2004).Annually, the rate of global deforestation is round 13 million hectares , most of which occurs in the developing world(FAO,2010;CIFOR,2005). Forest communities use their surroundings for a variety of activities, the collection of snails and mushrooms, gathering of medicinal herbs and chewing sticks, and both legal and illicit logging(Ahenkan &Boon,2008).Deforestation is the conversion of forest to an alternative permanent non-forested land use such as agriculture, grazing or urban development(Vankooten & Bulte,2000).Forest degradation occurs when the ecosystem functions of the forest are degraded but where the area remains forested rather cleared(Anon,2010). Deforestation is no longer significant in the developed temperature countries now and in fact many temperate countries now are…show more content…
Global warming has been observed to contribute to poor air quality, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, snowpack, stronger storms, disease, ocean acidity, more intense and longer droughts, wildfires and other threats to human health. Further, it shifts the location of viable agriculture, harms ecosystems and animal habitats, and changes the timing and magnitude of water supply.( ) The primary global warming pollutants are, in order, carbon dioxide gas, fossil-fuel plus biofuel soot particles, methane gas, halocarbons, tropospheric ozone, and nitrous oxide gas. ( ) Global warmingmay also augment the effects of extreme weather patterns such as El Ni*no and La Ni*na, and may have contributed to the recent dramatic increase in costly flood damage in the United States (Nash, 2000a; Brown, 1999). With higher temperatures come more heat waves (Physicians for Social Responsibility Staff, 2000a), resultingin more deaths from hyperthermia, although deaths from hypothermia should drop. Finally, due to the additive effects of global warming, overpopulation, and water pollution, we are running out of fresh water, a substance over which future wars may be fought (Leslie,

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