Catherine The Great Imperialism

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Catherine the Great of Russia: A Symbol as well as a Limitation of Enlightenment Catherine the Great was in power from 1762-1792 in the Russian Empire at a time when the empire was highly expanding and growing at an alarming rate. Catherine was an astute leader with high autocratic characters. In her reign, the dominion of Russia expanded, the structures of administration changed greatly, and at that time, she was among the first leaders who pursued the western policies at that time in Europe. Commercially, she abolished several restrictions to allow everyone to engage in trade and develop her nation; she invited even foreigners to develop underdeveloped areas in her country. As an "enlightened despot," motivated by the ideas of the Enlightenment,…show more content…
Catherine was keen on maintaining Russia’s grip on the region, and when a civil war broke in Poland, she sent her troops to help the king of Poland to ensure that Russia’s influence in the country did not wane. Russia then got into a war with Turkey because of the invasion of Poland. The war lasted two years, and Russia then signed a concession with Turkey gaining more in the process (Grell 50). In the meantime, Catherine did face internal strife from the Yemelyan Pugachev from Cossack. Yemelyan Pugachev claimed to be the deposed Peter III and had many believing him and following him, wanting people to revolt against Catherine. It was the hardest time in the tenure of Catherine as a leader of Russia and after the defeat and capture of Pugachev and his members several new orders came from the Empress. She decided to change the names of the region where the revolt began and the river where the revolution began. She then decided to work with other aristocrats to enhance the administrative capability of the nobles rather then improving the social status and security of the lower class. In light of this action, Catherine the Great acts in a manner opposite of Enlightenment beliefs of her people, especially the lower class in her society. It is a divide and rule tactic, which continues to enrich the already rich, and to subject the power to adverse poverty to maintain power. The two ideas of war, both…show more content…
She adopted various plans and in 1786, she rolled out a plan for a large-scale educational enhancement in the country. She did not manage to implement the whole plan, but before her departure, she did increase elementary and secondary schools in the country. Catherine gave art and science a lot of attention during her reign. She saw Russia as a center of civilization due to the art. She also saw St. Petersburg modeled as a dazzling capital city in Europe. Music, paintings, as well as theater thrived under her watch and at the same time, Catherine made more science academies thrive in the country. It was yet another exhibition of her idea of enlightenment in her

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