Catcher In The Rye Mental Institution Analysis

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Mental institutions were started in the hopes that this nation could help those who seemed helpless. However, somewhere along the way the perception of that idea was lost and they got a reputation that still holds to this day and age. Holden Caulfield, the main character in the novel Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger refers to and speaks frequently about mental institutions along with the people that occupy them. In today’s society stereotypical thoughts and actions are common in everyday communication whether it be stereotypes against races, a specific characteristic, or the mentally ill. In the novel Catcher in the Rye, and the articles Mental Institutions, History of Psychiatric Hospitals, and Understanding the Impact of Stigma on People…show more content…
In the 1600s and the 1700s things called “service professions” were developing. The people that handled these jobs were the people willing to do what others were not they were often called “madhouse keepers” (Mental Institutions). These jobs were the beginning of the thought process to start opening mental institutions. Although there may have been private “madhouses” as time passed asylums and mental hospitals soon emerged. The institutions were made due to the fact that before they were created the sick got treated in their homes, the communities may have shown some leniency towards their neighbors at times but occasionally the patients were to loud or disruptive to stay (D’Antonio 1). Throughout the history of mental institutions there have been many methods for treating the patients some violent and cruel, while others have been more peaceful and effective. The methods that the psychoanalysts used to start the healing process for Holden Caulfield was to try to get him to open up about his feelings and thoughts toward everyone and the world. This shows how much had progressed by his time period and the cruel treatments were long

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