Catalase Activity Lab Report

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Discussion and Conclusion The results of the Catalase Enzyme Activity Lab were almost as hypothesized at the beginning of the experiment, but not exactly. From the average results of all eight groups, it is obvious that the percentage of substrate present in the solution is essential to the rate of reaction. While not all of the groups got the same ml 02/min, with a 0.8% concentration, the average of all of the group was higher for 0.8% concentration (30.54) then it was for 0.6% concentration (12.45). This occurs because when more of something is present in a solution to bind to, the molecules will naturally bind to it quicker, resulting in a faster reaction time. Due to these findings, we are able to see that if our body has an increased amount of hydrogen peroxide that the catalase in our bodies will being to convert that into energy faster and will fight it off…show more content…
The second experiment only supported half of the hypothesis, but still provided important information to understanding catalase reactions. The results that of the boiled catalase proved the hypothesis, that there would be less of a reaction, because almost no group observed a significant reaction rate when it was combined the with substrate only producing a 2.29 effect of change. This proves that when a catalase is boiled the protein fails to function properly because it is becomes denatured, loses its shape, and therefore is unable to form reactions with the substrate. Unlike what was hypothesized, when extremely cold catalase is used, the reaction drops but doesn’t cease to exist still producing a 24.63 change of effect. There is no significant denaturing that occurs when a catalase is frozen that would cause it to stop function completely. Results like these can help scientists to understand where enzymes can and can’t survive, making it easier to combat some harmful side effects that come with certain substances. The t-test produced p-values showed the margin of

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