Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Comparative Essay

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When considering how iconic and seemingly timeless Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Doll’s House are, dually as works of literature and poignant social commentaries, it should come as little surprise that they share an array of thematic and technical parallels. Of course, the plays follow a similar, archetypal three act structure which quickly establishes a threat or conflict, discusses prominent themes to illuminate social issues, and ultimately, though perhaps less so in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, reaches a climax. However, in and of itself, this isn’t a particularly spectacular, or ground-breaking comparison, and the play’s similarities and clever utilisation of themes runs far deeper than simple structural resemblances. Though their works are appropriately separate, and at times entirely divergent, Tennessee Williams and Henrik Ibsen utilise remarkably similar, subtle techniques to create and maintain tension, propel their narratives and emotionally and intellectually stimulate audiences. In order to demonstrate this, the plays will be analysed, compared and contrasted, with a particular focus placed on thematic similarities. Primarily, the theme of latent, unrealised desire will be discussed to display how Williams and Ibsen use this to further their narratives and develop characters. Brick’s sexuality will therefore be compared with Nora’s realisation that she must…show more content…
In order to propel the narrative, it therefore affects all characters (Quigley 1984). Quigley (1984, p.597) describes the imperfection of Nora’s realisation, “Nora’s determination to see things now as solely evil causes her to miss as much as when she saw them as solely good. …Nora enters happily at the beginning through the door by which she leaves unhappily at the end.” Yet, it is the character’s imperfections which, in many ways, make the play so endearing (Quigley 1984). Quigley (1984, p.586)

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