Case Study: United Bank For Africa Plc

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United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, is a Nigerian multinational financial institution. It is one of Africa's best and most resilient banking Groups with operations in 19 African countries and offices in three global financial centers London, Paris and New York. United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc is one of the biggest banks in Africa with branches across the entire continent, The Banking group have more than 8 million customers with over 700 offices globally. UBA’s has more than 65 years of providing uninterrupted banking operations dating back to 1948 when the British and French Bank Limited (“BFB”) commenced business in Nigeria. It took over the assets and liabilities of BFB and was incorporated as a limited-liability company on 23 February 1961…show more content…
Ekaba he is leaves in Douala, Cameroon with his Family, He works as the branch Manager of UBA Douala (Liberte) branch office, He has been Working with UBA Bank for 10 years now and the manager of UBA Douala (Liberte) branch office since 2012. Mr. Ekaba studies was born in 1984, Studies in University of Buea where he obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance, He then further his University in London school of business where he obtain a MSc in Finance, He return to Cameroon and work as a financial analysis for BICEC bank before moving to UBA in January 2008. I started the Interview by asking him a typical day in office, He explain to me that as manager, He has a lot of paper work waiting for him every day before entering into the office, His table is always full with document of the past day bank transaction and application which he have to go through to make sure all the decisions taken where made following the Banks guideline and policy, Besides He has a lot of paperwork and management responsibilities such as hiring and firing of employees of other sub branches to go through because he is the overall controller of the bank branch and its sub branches in that city…show more content…
Each and every bank customer is unique with different complains and requirements, helping the customers process their transactions and solve their problems is very important he explains. He then further when on to explain to me that his days are usually characterized with board meetings or conference calls with the headquarter and other branch managers, Meetings with head of other departments such as accounts department, Loan office department and HR Department. Other functions include planning of goals, controlling budget, dealing with employees and many more, He said the is no specific daily routine, Every day comes with different problems such problems with their internet connection, A employee not coming to work, a sudden change in strategy from the headquarter etc. and as the Branch manager, He needs to improvise and bring out solutions to the problems as soon as possible. He explains that his most important task every day is to make sure the day goes as perfectly with no problem, He counts every successful day as an achievement. The Bank must have everything necessary such as personnel, reliable internet connection, available cash and security in the premises to run perfectly the whole

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