Case Study: The Canadian Medical Device Industry

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GC&E Assignment The Canadian Medical Device Industry is an important player in the global biomedical industry in that it exports ninety per cent of the finished products to other countries. What do you think are the main reasons for this? The Canadian Medical Device Industry is an important player on the global scale because of three situations and corner stones. One the industry in Canada a has the SR&ED tax credit, a program provide direct tax credit for research and development. Two public and private partnerships exist provide for innovation in biomedical devices an example is Centre for Imaging Technology Commercialization (CIMTEC) which works with a company to provide products for export. Final the regulation in Canada in designed to in part make the environment more competitive than other nations. The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive is a Canadian program that provides businesses of all sizes to conduct Research & Development. A major competitor in an export market for Canada is the US, which lacks a permit tax credit for R&D. It is the large government support for R&D in Canada. R&D credit and funding would be a high value to…show more content…
The organization is funded by government of Canada and (CECR) “Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research.” CIMTEC with Claron Technology which does imaging software based in Toronto are collaborating. To provide Perfint a company based in India to design and development of this oncology therapy system. The idea is to provide a CT that is more accessible, faster and cheaper to provide CT to developing countries, as well developed

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