Case Study Of NBG Bank Albania

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NBG Profile NBG started operations in Albania in September 1996 as a subsidiary in Tirana National Bank of Greece SA, the first and largest in Greece with a history of 170 years. Now, following the transformation in May 2012, NBG Albania JSC operates as a bank independent, self-funded, member of NBG Group. NBG Bank Albania is one of the leading banks in the country, originating and a significant player in lending and consumer home, owning a significant portion of the market of these products. Bank offers full range of products and services for customers of all segments: corporate, medium sized businesses and small and individuals. NBG Bank Mission in Albania is to be developed as a leading financial institution in the country by providing…show more content…
Unfortunately we live in a country where doors are closed, the system is hermetic especially for students. After a lot of attempts at some companies, where some don’t even hear you and some others give some information just to get rid of. Anyway, NBG bank hosted with the desire to help. I want to thank the IT department who helped me a lot and all them who were willing to collaborate. The below information is based on the Policies and plans of the company. 1. Data Management NBG Bank Albania business activities are closely dependent on reliable information provided at the right time. Secure information and network systems are essential to providing high-quality services to customers, avoiding fraud and disclosure of sensitive information, promoting efficient business operations, and complying with laws and regulations. NBG Bank Albania has developed some policies based on: - ISO 27001 Information Security…show more content…
Information access control standards for information systems must be established and should incorporate the need to balance restrictions to prevent unauthorised access against the need to provide unhindered access to meet business requirements. • Managing user access -Access to all systems must be authorised. An authorisation process must be established, to control the allocation of privileges. • Users must be granted access to minimum resources for the shortest amount of time (least privilege) and only to the type of information needed to perform their task (“need to know”). • When allocating access rights to users, “segregation of duties” practice must be applied. • User access rights (or privileges) must be recorded in an Access Control List (ACL). 2. Outsourcing According to National Bank of Greece and Greek Governor’s Act 2597/07 definition, EU Legislation, outsourcing refers to an arrangement of any form between a financial institution and a service provider by which that service provider performs a process, provides a service or executes an activity which would otherwise be undertaken by the financial institution

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