Case Study: Foodiebay To Zomato

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They received funding from Info-edge in August 2010. By this they managed to gain some stability as a firm and they decided to rethink where they wanted to stand as a company in the longer run. An apparent answer would be that they wanted to venture into uprights adjacent to food. One of the very important reasons why they decided to change the name in late 2010 from Foodiebay to Zomato was that they wanted to approach their target market with a very powerful brand name. After limitless debates and arguments with each other, they came up with the name Zomato. They wanted to keep the idea of food in the middle of everything and choose a name that is short, easy to remember and makes people to think about food. Zomato has got a punch to it and…show more content…
Then they decided to hire a few new employees who seemed to be suited better for their long term strategy. This was a big change for an organization as well as their employees and very fortunately they handled it well. Rebranding also got them many refreshed and bolstered customers. The best way to explain this would be through one of their customers, who said, “Like they say – everything changes except change. I like the new name and the idea behind, it speaks volumes about the plan and vision that you and your team has for Foodiebay….err… Zomato! I see the company expanding and being the recommendation engine in the very near future, this is not just a website, and it is a movement – best of luck guys”. Zomato always tried to create an excitement and publicity among their users and other public. They always kept coming up with the most amazing and creative ideas and actions to keep their Public Relation agency populated. If you are a well-known brand, Rebranding is a good excuse for getting in touch with all reporters and journalists for writing stories on the company and its changes. It helps in bringing in a lot of new customers to your business and could very well make up for a loss of customers due to the change in name. Rebranding can also prove to have many…show more content…
It was difficult for them to explain the reason for change to their clients. Moreover, since they had been preparing for this change for around a month, they always wondered if they should talk to new client referring to themselves as Foodiebay or Zomato. It took a lot of persistence and phone calls to the team to ensure that no one came to know about Zomato before its time. Rebranding needs to be done in one single shot. You can’t take too long to do it. Once you start building a list of things which you require a change, it easily appears to run into a couple of pages. Paying consideration to the minutest particulars is also important. But what is more necessary is that all of these changes have to made overnight, without breaking down any of the essential services. Foodiebay metamorphosed into Zomato, and a Zomato application became available for Google's Android operating system. The app was launched around the best time that is when the smartphone wave was picking up in India. Since then, about eight and a half lakh Zomato applications, or apps, have been downloaded on Android phones, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and the iPhones. The app currently has over 50,000 menus on

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