Case Study 7: IT And Geo Mapping Help A Small Business

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Case study no. 7: IT and Geo-mapping Help a small business succeed. The company which is showed in the video case providing the following: (7.5 grades) i. What is the initial idea behind the company. (2 grade) The founders Emily Meyer and Leigh Rawdon started Entrepreneurial business (Small start‐up business) which is the Tea Collection as a shop for children's clothing wholesale business that consists of three baby sweaters and only one shop. Emily Meyer was a designer and Leigh Rawdon was an entrepreneur person who dreams to open her own business. The idea for making the clothing company that makes new children cloths line was right for both of them and will help to make their dreams come true. Each partner had different strengths and after combined have…show more content…
 They used IT to affects the cost and quality of information and changes of information: Information technology helps the company contract in size because it reduce transaction costs as we see in this company.  This company started with one store and uses networks to contact with retailers for distribute products without being limited by boundaries or physical locations. This make the customer base very huge and the business become global. Provide answers to the video case questions that are in the PDF file. Feel free to can consult any resource provided that you mention so. (7.5 grades) 1. Identify the key software applications used by The Tea Collection. The Tea Collection company used information technologies to create their business and to make it one of the most growing private companies in the country. There are the key software applications that this company use it:  Web site for retailers to make orders more easier for them, and sell more products by this applications, a simple website for shopping

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