Carrejo And Reinhartz: Article Analysis

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David Carrejo and Judy Reinhartz, of the University of Texas at El Paso, discuss the interaction between science learning and language learning in their article Exploring the Synergy Between Science Literacy and Language Literacy with English Language Learners: Lessons Learned with a Sustained Professional Development Program. Carrejo and Reinhartz gathered information from a professional development program that lasted for one year. The goal of the program “was to increase science achievement while co-developing language literacy” for English Language Learners (ELLs) (Carrejo & Reinhartz, 2012, p.34). They argue that teachers do not combine language learning with other academic principles; a reason for lower science scores among ELL students. The researchers evaluated thirty-five public school elementary teachers who taught science to ELLs in English (2012, p.34). While in the program, teachers attended monthly workshops the first semester and were observed through in-person visits or video recording during the second semester.…show more content…
35). The program’s plan was comprised of three parts. First, to allow the teachers to experience a classroom that exemplifies language and science integration. Second, to observe teachers’ instructional methods. Lastly, to help teachers realize the benefits of incorporating language literacy with science (p. 37). A determination was made following the examination of state mandated science and reading test scores, and after analyzing the observation data. The researchers’ conclusion maintained that science and language learning is more effective when the disciplines are combined rather than taught

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