Building Principal

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The career position that most fit my personality is a building principal. My ultimate career goal is to eventually become a building principal at a junior high or high school when my coaching career is finished with. In order to take on a full time burden of running a school, I feel that I must first gain some experience by being an assistant principal to learn how to run a school effectively. I believe that working under an experience principal within a successful school will be very helpful in getting me ready to become a building principal. Over the years of my coaching career, I understand how important it is to inspire kids to meet their full potential. As a building principal, I feel my ideas and teaching experiences could help make…show more content…
Even though I am in an administrative position currently, by me graduating can open different opportunities for me in the future. The experience from the classroom that I have encountered will help me become an effective building principal. Many states will require you to have a certain number of years in the classroom before moving into the role of a principal. As a teacher, I learn that you have to deal different issues in a classroom throughout a normal school day. This experience should help me to become an ideal building principal. My time frame for achieving my goal of being a building principal will be approximately six years. My goal for being an assistant principal will be in the next two years. With the ongoing training that my school district is currently giving me by being a leader teacher, I feel these are some reachable goals for me to…show more content…
Looking at how kids in my community live now compared to way I was brought up is totally different. I feel being a leader can help me inspire others to be successful in life and not settling for what they see everyone else is during in their community. Most teachers my districts hires are not from around that area, so they are not familiar with the history of the school. Also, some don’t even care about if the kids get the information or not. That’s why becoming a leader can have a tremendous effect on my community as well as
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