Brown Vs Board Of Education Essay

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The Supreme Court case Brown v. The Board of Education began in 1950 with an eight year old girl. Linda Brown, a black third grader in Topeka, Kansas grew up in a time where schools were segregated based on race. By 1950 Topeka, Kansas had 18 schools for white children and only four for black children. To get to her all-black school, Linda was forced to walk over a mile. Her trek was riddled with difficulties from the bitter cold of winter to the dangerous journey through a railroad switchyard. Ironically, Linda only lived seven blocks away from an all-white school called Sumner, a ten minute walk for the third grader. Her father, Oliver Brown, did not want his daughter to endure hardships just to get to school. He brought the case to the Topeka district NAACP where McKinley Burnett, the head of this chapter, started to collect evidence for the case. He gathered close friends and willing participants and they took several children to white schools. When they were turned away due to the color of their skin, they documented their experience and…show more content…
Though most wanted to end segregation in school, some members like Davis wanted to make state’s rights arguments and keep the schools separate. In fact, Justice Douglas believed that in 1952, the case would have gone to segregate schools. Due to this probable outcome, the case was stalled until Chief Justice Warren was able to join the Supreme Court and made the decision unanimous. He worked diligently to appeal the logical and emotional facts of the case and soon, everyone was able to agree that schools needed to be desegregated. Even Justice Jackson, who wanted to write a concurring opinion, agreed that the decision needed to be unanimous to show the South that desegregation was vital to the American community. In the end, the decision was unanimous and not a single judge argued that the desegregation of schools was a complete

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