Brief Summary Of 'The Truth About The Killer'

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Mariah Rodriguez Mrs. Talerico English III Pre-AP March 8, 2015 The Truth about the Killer Natalee Holloway was born on October 21st, 1986 she was an American teenager with long, blonde hair and a lighthearted personality. Natalee was very intelligent and popular, and she had her whole life ahead of her. She graduated from Mountain Brook High school in Mountain Brook, Alabama, where she then planned on attending the University of Alabama on a full scholarship. After graduating, Natalee and her classmates took a senior trip to the island of Aruba. On May 30, 2005, Natalee and her friends went out for a night not the town in Aruba, where they met a charming young man named Joran. They all met at a casino, then they headed off to a bar where…show more content…
In the beginning Joran lied about knowing Natalee until investigators stated they had eyewitness saying they saw Joran and Natalee together the night she went missing. Joran's mother first believed that he had nothing to do with Natalee's disappearance until his stories started to change multiple times. His mother stated that when he was a little boy she noticed Joran was a "sneaky liar" (Quinones, Ellis, and Clarke 1-3). Investigators stated that Joran has changed his story more than 20 times. One of Joran's stories was that he and Natalee were on the beach relaxing when he decided to leave her there and that was the last time he saw her. Another story Joran told states that he and the Kalpoe brothers took Natalee back to the Holiday Inn where she was staying and that was the last time he had saw her (Burrough 126). Joran once said Natalee begged him to take her to the beach so she could see the sharks, but Joran told her she couldn't do that, so she then said she wanted to have sex. He said they had sex in the backseat of a car then he took Natalee back to her hotel. Joran suggested to point out the guard that helped Natalee at her hotel but once investigators asked him to do so, he was unable to…show more content…
A video that was leaked in 2008 reveals Joran saying that Natalee started having a seizure from being really intoxicated, Joran then got nervous and dumped Natalee's body into the ocean. In 2010, Joran agreed to let Beth Holloway know where Natalee's body was in return of $250,000. Beth Holloway gave Joran a down payment of $25,000, and he took the money and scammed her (Dickey and Zarate 42). Joran tried to prove that he had nothing to do with the disappearance of Natalee but changing his story multiple times does not make him look innocent; it just attributes that he is a

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