Boxer In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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In the satiric novel entitled Animal Farm by George Orwell, the character Boxer represents the working class members of society who rebel against Farmer Jones to gain freedom. However, the utopia that they fought for was not realized and they are manipulated by the pigs; in turn; find themselves no better off than they started. Boxer is unfaltering, determined, and dedicated, and he sacrifices his life for the others. Without Boxer, Animal Farm would have never progressed as far as it did. After many years of arduous work on the farm, Boxer’s strength is unmatched, and he uses it only for the benefit of the farm and his comrades. For instance, “He had been a hard worker even in Jones’ time, but now he seemed more like three horses than one; there were days when the entire work of the farm seemed to rest on his mighty shoulders” (10). Boxer was extremely conditioned to more of the backbreaking jobs that had to be taken care of on the farm, but in the farm’s time of need,…show more content…
For example, “Nothing could have been achieved without Boxer, whose strength seemed equal to that of all the rest of the animals put together” (20). As long as Boxer was able to continue working, the other animals would follow in his footsteps. Boxer alone was powerful enough to rival the strength of all of the farm animals, and without that power, Animal Farm would have been nothing. In addition, “At such times his lips were seen to form the words, ‘I will work harder’; he had no voice left” (37). Boxer, no matter the circumstance, always wanted to push himself and work harder for the sake of his friends and the farm. Boxer’s undying willpower, and his motto of “I will work harder” convinced him to keep working without falter. If Boxer had never been so eager to work until his breaking point, no work would have been accomplished in Animal
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