Booker T Washington Up From Slavery Summary

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Garrett Manning AMH2020 March 6, 2015 Booker T. Washington: Up from Slavery During his time, Washington was a National Leader in the Reconstruction of the south. He wanted more for blacks from economics and industrial improvements; he also wanted equal rights on voting and social equality. Washington also follows his uprising from his childhood slave to growing up educating African Americans. He told us about how his transferring of a student to an educator and being the founder of Tuskegee Institute of Alabama. Not too long after Washington talks about becoming a public speaker, a civil rights activist, and a National figure. He wanted the world to see that he suffered from abuse, poverty, oppression, and belittlement he also shows that…show more content…
He also felt that it was alright for African Americans to be treated as the second class for some odd reason. “But no white American ever thinks that any other race is wholly civilized until he wears the white man’s clothes, eats the white man’s food, speaks the white man’s language, and professes the white man’s religion.” Washington made it clear that you could not succeed on a “book” education but with an “industrial” education. He believed that with the proper education the black men could provide not only for him or his family but for their…show more content…
Washington knew that in order to go further the Tuskegee Institute, in the south. Washington would need the help of the race and culture that had imprisoned him and his African American people. He didn’t like being poor or being a slave on a plantation and also he learned how to respect and kept peace with the white man early so you cloud live in relative surroundings as the whites. “…long since ceased to cherish any spirit of bitterness against Southern white people on account of the enslavement of my race” Washington played it smart and got what he needed and started his own school started “Character, not circumstance, makes the person.” Washington told the African American population to put aside their passion for political and social acceptance but to also build up their economic security before doing anything and that would make people respect you a little better. Washington told them that a man of any race could find as much dignity and respect in tilling a field, or learning skill, as there was in writing a poem. Du Bois was reaching for something that was out of his reach at the time. There was still an underlying feeling that black people had taken white peoples land and jobs from them after the civil war. This was not an easy feeling to get rid of and standing up and demanding equality was not the right thing to do at the

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