Bob Iger Research Paper

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In today’s world, leaders are known to be an influence to employees to work together despite of many ups and downs towards the fulfillment of a company’s goal and achievement as the value of a leadership is known to be one of the most important yet essential element. Robert Allen Iger also known as Bob Iger, for short is the CEO of Walt Disney which could also be describe as one of the world’s greatest yet capable and leading leader today. Overview In the past nine decades, ‘Walt Disney’ has been a name that is often heard in the entertainment industry. The Walt Disney first started with cartoon studio in the 1920’s (The Walt DIsney Company , n.d.) The Walt Disney Company never fails to provide entertainment to everyone ranging from kids…show more content…
Iger, the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company. He was born in 1951 and he got married twice. Once in 1994, when he got divorced to Susan and had two daughters which was Katie and Amanda. The second marriage was in 1995 where he got married to Willow Bay whom worked as a TV news anchor. He had two sons which is Robert Maxwell and Will in his second marriage. Bob Iger didnt have a strong education background but he managed to get over that issue and still be one of the most successful leader around the world. He graduated under the program of Degree in Bachelor of Science in Television and Radio from the Roy H. Park School of Communication in New York. At the beginning, he started his first career weatherman at a local broadcast station and then later joined the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in 1973. (Despina Hatzakos, Alexis Sergeant, Christopher Ulmer,…show more content…
For instance, he needs to focus on generating the best creative content possible, fostering innovation and also making sure to utilize the latest technology thus overspread into new markets around the world. He is known to be one whom never fails to embrace new technology which makes Disney to become an industry leader through its creative content. (Company, Unknown) As important as the function is, Bob Iger also have important roles such as expanding and coordinating Disney’s presence other than United States, setting up the blueprint for the company’s growth purposes. The Disney management team took action at this time to secure his position till 2016 by providing an effective succession management transition and a continuity of the company’s corporate strategy to create long-term value for shareholders. (News, 2011) Robert A. Iger was beyond Disney’s exception as his entertainment experiences, right skill in managing businesses, and widely diverse content have led to show growth in results. Besides, Disney has delivered net income, earning per share and record revenue for the third year in a

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