Blanche's Disposal

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The play A StreetCar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, provides a proper sense of closure in the play. This is done by showing tragic demises for characters, characters picking between two choices, and a return to normalcy for background characters. These events near the end of the play help to fulfill the final section of the theatrical catastrophe, denouement. By the end of the play Blanche's ability to effect the other characters of the play has been minimized through the admittance of Blanche to an insane asylum at the end of the play. At the time of the play being admitted to an insane asylum was like having a life sentence in jail. Psychological medicine of the time did not understand many conditions that are easily treatable in…show more content…
The fact that the insane asylum admits Blanche makes the chances that she will be able to come back into the lives of Stella and Stanley very low. Blanche’s arrival at the beginning of the play fuels much of the conflict in the play. Blanche’s sudden removal from the lives of her sister and brother-in-law is assumed to also remove some of the conflict between the characters as the source of conflict, Blanche, has been removed. This removal of a character helps to bring closure to the play by closing many major conflicts of the play. For example, one of the major conflicts of the play is the conflict between the Southern Belle, Blanche, and the hardened veteran, Stanley. Stanley and Blanche do not…show more content…
The conflict between Blanche and Stanley over Stella’s affections is one of Man vs Man. Blanche thinks of Stanley as a brutish man who is not good enough for the fair and beautiful Stella as evidenced in her description of Stanley and his friends as “brutes”. Blanche also repeatedly calls Stanley the derogatory term of a “Polack” that at the time carried a connotation of an immigrant who did not know much. Because of her opinion of Stanley, Blanche wants Stella to leave him and find a someone that is “better” for Stella. Stella, on the other hand, thinks that he is perfect for her in her current state of affairs. Stanley, obviously, wants Stella to remain with him and not follow Blanches advice of leaving him. By the end of the play Stella decides to stay with Stanley and ignore her sister who by that point in the play has gone insane from trauma. Stella’s choice of Stanley over her sister effectively end the competition between the two characters over Stella’s affections. Stella’s choice of staying with Stanley over leaving him as Blanche told her to helps to bring closure to the play by creating a solution to one of the central conflicts of the

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