Black Codes DBQ

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Edieth Y. Wu once said, "Emancipation, while it may have ended slavery did not bring freedom to the African [slaves]. It was after slavery that you get some of the most barbaric, uncivilized manifestations of hate and of the sense of white superiority." Laws were put into effect to put an end to slavery, but slaves were still subjected to extreme conditions, as well as continued acts of violence long after they were freed. Even after the 13th amendment was ratified, African Americans were still denied their freedom by people who wanted to maintain their white supremacy in the Southern states. Their actions subjugated African Americans economically, socially, and politically. To begin with, the 13th amendment freed African Americans, but they were still refused their independence in the economical state. Even though the laws were passed, they were not always obeyed. The white people of southern society wanted to maintain their white inferiority so they often racially discriminated and segregated the black people. The African Americans gained their independence from…show more content…
After the Civil War, the Black Code, which were laws that were designed to replace the social controls of slavery that had been removed by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, were established to assure the continuance of white supremacy in the Southern half of the United States (Wu). The Black Codes served as a constant reminder to the lives of African Americans that, "freedom was not as they had anticipated" (Linder). As a result, Southerners started to depend on segregation to continue their white supremacy; every Southern state had passed laws that created two separate societies: one black and the other one white, in the early twentieth century. Blacks were denied to most public facilities such as railroad cars, waiting rooms, washrooms, water fountains, and some public

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