Biography Of Elizabeth Short: The Black Dahlia Murder

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“It's frightening how easy it is to commit murder in America. Just a drink too much. I can see myself doing it. In England, one feels all the social restraints holding one back. But here, anything can happen.” (W.H. Auden) As a young girl trying to make her dreams become her reality Elizabeth Short had no idea she would meet her untimely demise at only the age of 22. Till this day no one knows what happened to her all they know is it was brutal and she suffered a great deal. The Black Dahlia murder was so gruesome it might never be solved. Elizabeth Short was born on July 29, 1924 in Hyde Park , Massachusetts to Cleo and Phoebe Short. Elizabeth had four sisters and her mother abandoned the family when she was five years old,…show more content…
They have looked into dozens of suspects but they have found no luck so far. Mary Pacios believes that Orson Welles a local magician could have possibly killed Elizabeth because he once sawed a woman in half as a magic act. Another suspect they looked into was Robert Manley he was the last person to see Elizabeth alive. Mark Hansen’s name was embossed on an address book that was in her belongings. George Hodel , a retired LAPD officer, claims that his father could have possibly killed Elizabeth. Steve Hodel, George Hodel’s father, posses a picture of Elizabeth Short in his family photo album. During an interrogation with Jack Anderson, Jack was able to provide facts about the case that were not released to public. Which means that Jack knew things that only the killer would know. And finally the last suspect they have looked into is Walter Alonzo Bayley. Walter was a surgeon which could give him the skill needed to severe a woman in half. Walter suffered from a degenerative brain disease that could influence him to perform a crime. Walter also had a daughter who was close friends with Elizabeth which would also tie him to the

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