Beta-Plus Decays

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The first step involves the fusion of two 11H nuclei (protons) into 12H (deuterium), releasing a positron and a neutrino. It is a two-stage process: first, two protons fuse to form a diproton (22He). 11H + 11H → 22He + ɣ This is followed by beta-plus decay, which is a type of radioactive decay where a proton within an unstable nucleus is converted into a neutron while releasing a positron and an electron neutronio in the process. The beta-plus decay of the diproton (22He) to deuterium (12H) occurs: 22He → 12H + e+ + Ѵe The overall formula: 11H + 11H → 12He+ e+ + Ѵe + E The first step is very slow because the beta-plus decay of a diproton to deuterium is extremely rare. Most of the time, the diproton decays back into 11H through proton

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