Benzophenone Lab Report

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There is a guideline that help chemists predict the solubility of substances, which is by using polarity. The rule ‘like dissolves like” explains that polar compounds will dissolve in polar solvents, while nonpolar compounds will dissolve in nonpolar solvents. In the five tests for determining solubility for various solutes in solvents, solubility was usually determined in this simple procedure, combining a solvent with another solute or solvent. If a solute had completely dissolved in a solvent, then that compound is soluble. If the solute did not dissolve, then it would be insoluble. However, a solute could also be partially dissolved, making it partially soluble. To determine the solubility in liquids, one would test if the liquids are either…show more content…
In Part A, each of the three solid organic compounds were found to be a different polarity. Benzophenone was insoluble in water, rendering it not polar. This compound was also partially soluble in a nonpolar solvent, hexane, but completely soluble in methyl alcohol. Therefore, benzophenone has intermediate polarity. Malonic acid is a polar compound, because it is soluble in water, and biphenyl is a nonpolar compound – it was found to be soluble in hexane. In Part D of the experiment, the solubility of organic compounds were tested in acid and bases. For benzoic acid, it was a polar substance and soluble in a basic solvent. If given an acidic solvent though, the compound immediately becomes insoluble (the compound precipitated). However, the opposite had been determined for ethyl 4-aminobenzoate; it was a nonpolar substance that was found to be soluble in acids, but insoluble in bases. There is a reason why acid-base reactions can determine the solubility of these compounds. Since acids can help covert the compounds to ions and cause strong attractions, ionic organic compounds tend to be

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