Beloved Country Vs Frankenstein

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Cry The Beloved Country vs Frankenstein Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley are two novels that seem like they would be on a completely different spectrum; not only for the obvious reason of one being different genres, but unexpectedly if one analyzes the books carefully he or she will discover they are closely linked, while each containing their own twists. There are numerous themes apparent in each book, and several of them are closely related; not only in theme but also in the characters actions and reactions. To begin, In South Africa, colonizing of the black people and the suspension of families and tribes was constructed in order to provide a cheap labor force, but this then created the issue of racial…show more content…
In Alan Paton’s novel, the difficulties occur between the white and black, the wealthy and unfortunate, and the rulers and ruled. On the other hand, the scuffles between the creator and the created are evident in Mary Shelley’s novel. The monster and Absalom have the sense of not belonging and isolation. The monster searches for love or greeting of not only his creator, but also with someone in society to use as a companion. Another reason for this companion was so the monster would have someone to guide him as a teacher to adapt him to the ways of the average human society and eventually live a fulfilled life. Absalom leaves his village, Ndotsheni, and his tribe to seek employment and knowledge outside the sheltered village. Obviously, both the monster and Absalom feel secluded from their peers and eventually change to the customs that harm…show more content…
Kumalo is the pastor of the small village, Ndotsheni in South Africa, and this village is detached with the urbanized areas like Joannesburg. When he arrives in Johannesburg to aid Gertrude, his sister, he has no other decision than to be face to face with the realities of the upcoming world outside of his little village. He uncovers the life he knew is collapsing and his people were crumbling as well. He says, “It suited the white man to break the tribe, but it has not suited him to build something in its place” (Paton 46). This changes his character from being lost in his own world to becoming obsessed to seek his son and rebuild his community. Similarly, Victor Frankenstein is infatuated with grasping the knowledge and gaining power. He began to study a subject a really knew nothing about because he wanted to play God and test his “ability to give life to an animal” (Shelley

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