Belle Meade Plantation Case Study

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Two Studies Introduction A case study is an analysis of a person, group, or situation that has been studied upon over a period of time. A case study is used as a guideline for researchers to use in order to change something or learn from it. In the cases of “Belle Meade Plantation: The First Nonprofit Winery Engages in Social Entrepreneurship” and “Multilevel Marketing Under Fire: Herbalife Defends Its Business Model” have been studied upon. The case of “Belle Meade Plantation: The First Nonprofit Winery Engages in Social Entrepreneurship” focused on how the Belle Meade Plantation turned to social entrepreneurship for a source of money for the company to survive. The case of “Multilevel Marketing Under Fire: Herbalife Defends Its Business…show more content…
“The winery would effectively develop a strategic business approach and implement a successful revenue model” (Ferrell; Pg. 451). The strengths were that the company would gain money, new opportunities, new members, new customers, new alliance, and so on. The weaknesses were that Belle Meade were taking a risk, and they had no idea of the outcome, and the people they would lose on they way. The risked what they had in hopes that their company would thrive. “However, despite their success, the Kellys are careful to note that starting a winery is a monumental decision. It’s not for the faint of heart!” (Ferrell; Pg. 453). The Kellys did have many challenges that they had to face in order to grow their business. The Kellys’ business was rapidly losing money, and they had to think fast on what to do next. The Kellys jumped to social entrepreneurship to help their company stay alive. Soon, they were opening up their nonprofit winery. The Kelly should have been more concerned with how fast the economy was changing that way they wouldn’t have faced the challenges they…show more content…
The top level is the contractors that make money, the second is Herbalife pays to recruit contractors, and the third is the contractors that lose money. “Ackman argued that Herbalife recruits contractors under false beliefs that they can earn the income of those at the top by selling the product and that the real money comes not from selling products but from recruiting other contractors” (Ferrell; Pg. 461). In other words, Herbalife recruits people that are paid to recruit more people, but the bottom people never profit because they are already did their

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