Beatriz Milhazes's Carambola

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The work of art I chose is Beatriz Milhazes’s, Carambola (Fig 2-16, page 32). Carambola has several formal art elements, but one, in particular, is the shape. Carambola contains two major shapes: squares and circles. Milhazes uses height and width with shapes to create a two-dimensional canvas. Carambola is consist of geometric shapes such as circles, squares, and rectangles. Milhazes used negative and positive shapes to form the work of art. She created a square, then built circles over and around it to attract viewer’s attention. Carambola’s shapes enhance other formal elements in the canvas. Milhazes incorporates lines, value, color, and motion to the canvas. The variety of circles in size and color; the warm and cool colors such as, red,

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