Baroque And Classical Music Comparison Essay

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When comparing and contrasting the Baroque and Classical periods, they have a few musical features in common, but plenty that are different. In the four pieces of music I have chosen, “I Want To Die,” “Little Fuge,” “Symphony No. 40,” and “Symphony No. 5,” all show how the progression from the Baroque period to the Classical period through different musical features. In order to better understand these pieces, I have shown how the historical narrative relates to these pieces and what to look for in order to identify these pieces in their respective periods. In the Baroque period, 1600 to 1750, was one of the groundbreaking eras in terms of tonality, new techniques of how instruments were played, and much more complex compositions. Baroque period displayed much dramatization and emotional characteristics in the music and staged plays. During this period many composers were featured such as Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, and Strozzi. Uniquely, the mood throughout a piece in the Baroque period stays constant. In addition, this period showcased composition textures that are polyphonic, therefore, just one melodic part. Winds and strings were mostly used while the harpsichord was phasing out. Overall, the music from the Baroque period…show more content…
The Classical period is much more structured, balanced, and clear in phrases. During this period many composers were featured such as Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart. Throughout the piece, the mood often changes during this era. In addition, this period showcased composition textures that are homophonic, therefore, one melody but with accompanying parts In addition the rhythm is regular and much defined. The melody is clear and short phrases as well. Also during this period the strings, brass, percussion and woodwind were organized in the symphony orchestra, while the harpsichord was hardly used, and it is noticeable in the pieces we requested to listen

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