Barbara Ehrenreich The Case For Working With Your Hand Work

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Barbara Ehrenreich writes about her experiences working, and all her disliking for her job working as a waitress. She gives a perspective to anyone looking into the work force, and students making the decisions to go to school. Her perspective is based solely on her experiences with the work, and how it shaped her. As well as Crawford, shares his emotions about working in the "hand work", but with a different experience of it. Both author's write to break stereotypes of people who are working with their hands being less than jobs that work in the office called "head work". They have both encountered hand work, but they do not feel the same way towards it through the two pieces, Barbara Ehrenreich writes, "Serving in Florida" and Matthew Crawford writes "The Case for Working with Your Hands." Although they share some minor similarities between Ehrenreich and Crawford there's one major difference. . Ehrenreich's tone sets a completely different mood for her article then Crawford's tone does. Both authors share personal examples throughout their piece but have a way…show more content…
That there can be a job that is educated and hard work even if it is messy. He believes this stereotype has to be addressed to the right people, and brings it up to the audience by saying, "In schools, we create artificial learning environments for children that they know to be contrived and undeserving of their attention and engagement. Without the opportunity to learn through hands, the world remains abstract and distant, and the passion for learning will not be engaged." Crawford feels strongly that the stereotypes are being built by fearful parents, and teachers, and he writes his whole paper on the audience whose soon to be affected by it. But what makes both authors alike is the personal experience they have with

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